If you are at least 18 years old and you have an accessible email address, you can submit an application on the MD OneStop portal.
Step 1: Head over to https://onestop.md.gov
*If you don’t already have an account with Maryland OneStop, you will need to create a new account & log in*
Step 2: In the search bar look up “Adult Patient Registration”. Select this option, then scroll down and click “Apply Now”.
You will need to upload the following documents to complete the online application:
- An electronic copy of the front and back of your government photo ID (such as a driver’s license, passport or military ID) AND either (1) proof of Maryland address or (2) name and address of the MD medical facility where the patient is being treated.
- A recent photo. This must be a clear, color photo of the patient’s un-obscured face taken within the last 6 months to reflect the patient’s current appearance with a plain white or off-white background. The patient must be directly facing the camera and should have a neutral facial expression or natural smile with both eyes open. Generally, the photo should look like a driver’s license or passport photo.
The MMCC will review your application and upon approval, you will be registered and issued a MMCC ID Number. Your Maryland registration is valid for three years.
Step 2: After you submit your application, you MUST verify your email address. You should receive an email right away after submitting your application. You will receive your patient ID Number via email in approximately 2-4 weeks if your application is approved.
Step 3: Schedule an appointment with a registered provider to get certified. You will be given a temporary paper certification to use until your ID card arrives in the mail.
Step 4: Visit Greenlight Therapeutics, your licensed dispensary, to obtain your medical cannabis & get 25% off your first purchase!
Qualifying Conditions:
-Severe or persistent muscle spasms
-Wasting syndrome
-Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
-Severe or chronic pain
-Severe Nausea
-or another chronic medical condition that is severe and for which other treatments have been ineffective.